Dear {{ FirstName | default: ‘Friend’ }},
On behalf of the staff at The Campaign, I hope that you are enjoying the Summer. This month’s newsletter will be a quick check in that you can read in 4 minutes!
We have some great news to share that will help protect the safety of students, faculty, staff, and visitors at public colleges and universities in Michigan. Two weeks ago, the Court of Appeals ruled in Wade v. Univ. of Michigan that firearms possession can be regulated by governing bodies, like the University of Michigan, and is constitutionally permissible because laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places are consistent with the Second Amendment. The Campaign with Giffords Law Center submitted an amicus brief in the case. (see Detroit Free Press story linked to Michigan graphic)
The great news out of Michigan dovetails nicely with our upcoming Annual Benefit (15 Years and Forward) to be held on October 6th at the Hammond Museum in North Salem, NY. This year we are honoring two people from higher education that have made enormous contributions in the fight for safe campus communities. We are delighted to honor Professor Len Niehoff from the University of Michigan Law School who served as lead counsel for the University of Michigan in the Wade case and Dr. Steven Boss, a professor at The University of Arkansas who has devoted over 15 years as a researcher and activist in the gun violence prevention movement. You can read more about both honorees below.
With two months to go until our Annual Benefit, our team is busy working to help ensure that our event is the best one ever. You can help us by becoming a sponsor, buy tickets for the event or make a contribution if you cannot attend. As I mention all the time and truly mean -your support makes our work possible.
Click Here for Sponsorships and Tickets
Finally, for those of you with students looking at colleges for next year, I encourage you to check out our sister site, to learn which colleges and universities are forced to allow guns on campus.
Thanks for all you do,
Andy Pelosi, Executive Director/Co-Founder