From the Executive Director

Welcome to our July Newsletter.

In this very hot summer we have some very cool news to report. The Campaign continues to serve as the clarion voice for gun free campuses, working to make a difference in fighting for safe higher ed communities around the country: the veto of guns on campus in Wyoming; the repeal of guns on campus in Colorado; the expected bill signing prohibiting guns on campus in Delaware, and the defeat of guns on campus in Arizona. Read more below and please take action if you live in Delaware or New Hampshire.

We would be remiss if we did not mention a loss from 2023.  Guns on campus became law in West Virginia on July 1st.  However, schools can limit where firearms are carried and you can learn more by visiting our sister site:

On the federal side, please take a moment to tell your Senators and House member to support Ethan’s Law (safe gun storage) and the Assault Weapons Ban (see below).

One of advisory board members, Dr. Margie Sanfilippo and her colleague presented their research findings regarding college age youth and their use of firearms in suicide at the annual NABITA conference (read more below).

SAVE THE DATE FOR OUR ANNUAL FUNDRAISER – October 1st.  We are heading back to New York City for a great night of music at The Bitter End.  Details to follow.

Finally, The Campaign is the voice for safety in higher education and we need your support today.

Thanks for all you do,

Andy Pelosi, Executive Director/Co-Founder

Updates From The States


Victory – Bill Defeated

In Colorado, we supported efforts that ending up repealing current law allowing guns on campus and as of July 1st, guns will no longer be allowed on Colorado’s campuses (with limited exceptions).

Great Bill On Governor’s Desk

Delaware is poised to be the 2nd state in 2024 (after Colorado) to prohibit guns on campus by law. Please call Governor Carney today and ask him to Sign HB 311.
Call  (302) 744-4101


Bill Defeated

New Hampshire

Call Today


Working For Change

Thanks to you for helping our Arizona allies and us defeat guns on campus legislation once again.
SB 1198, which passed the Senate a few months ago, never made it through the House for a final vote and since the Legislature has adjourned, this bill is dead for 2024.

The Campaign is urging New Hampshire residents to please contact Governor Sununu TODAY. Tell him to VETO HB 1336, legislation that will force many employers (including K-12 schools and colleges) to allow employees to store their guns in locked cars.

Call (603) 271-2121

The Campaign is working closely with the Iowa Coalition for Gun Safety on a project to poll every K-12 school board president to determine if they are planning on arming teachers for the upcoming school year. Recently passed state law allows boards of education to make this determination.

Federal Update

There are two bills that need your attention:  

Federal Assault Weapons Ban
According to FBI statistics, 1 in 5 law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty are killed with an assault weapon.  Similarly, in the vast majority of school shootings, the weapon of choice is an assault weapon with a high capacity magazine.

Safe Gun Storage
Ethan’s Law requires the safe storage of firearms wherever kids are present. This bill will turn the best practices of responsible firearm ownership into the law of the land.

Tell your Members of Congress that this is the time for action. Pass these bills today.

Campaign’s Advisory Board Member Presents at
NABITA Conference in Denver

The Campaign’s Advisory Board Member, Dr. Margie Sanfilippo (Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, FL) and Dr. Tara Shollenberger (High Point University, High Point, NC) presented their research on suicide, particularly by firearms, in college-aged students at the annual National Association for Behavioral Intervention & Threat Assessment Case Manager Conference in Denver (NABITA) an organization that assists colleges and universities in setting up interdisciplinary teams to support students in distress.

Margie and Tara utilized the National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS), a repository of data provided by states to the CDC. Focusing on the deteriorating mental health of college students, the duo presented their research findings regarding college age youth and their use of firearms in suicide.

Males (17-23 years of age) are 4.5x as likely to use a firearm in suicide than are females. They are less likely to be in treatment or to disclose their suicidal ideation, they are less likely to come to the attention of others.

College provides a buffer against firearm suicide for males in particular, as the rate of completed suicide among males with some college, and in particular males with a college degree, have significantly lower rates of suicide by firearm. The same is not true for females (suicide or suicide by firearm). See their chart above.

Further, a summary of previous research revealed that the only individuals or groups of individuals (e.g.,campus police) that want students to be able to carry on college campuses are those individuals who want to carry (typically white males).

We are proud of our colleague’s work shedding light on a dark truth.

Hold The Date – Concert To Keep Guns Off Campus – Oct 1st – NYC

Stay tuned – The Concert to Keep Guns Off Campus is coming to NYC this fall. Watch for announcements regarding very special guests, sponsorships, tickets and more.

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Click here to register to vote and make your opposition to guns in schools, colleges and universities loud and clear with your local elected officials.




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The Campaign to Keep Guns Off Campus • PO Box 658 • Croton Falls, NY 10519

EIN: 46-5621817 — CFC#: 83173