From the Executive Director

Hello and welcome to our end of Summer Newsletter:

I cannot believe that it’s Labor Day weekend and the Summer is nearly over. Schools are going back in session and the fight for campus safety continues.

In this month’s newsletter you will see a reminder about our October 6th Annual Benefit, a note about Armed – our online resource for college bound students and their parents, The Campaign’s statement in response to the shooting death of a UNC-Chapel Hill faculty member, and finally, a report on Change The Ref’s GUACATHON 2023 tour stop in Sandy Hook, CT last month.

The Campaign will acknowledge our 15th year fighting for safe educational spaces nationwide with our Annual Benefit on Friday, October 6, 2023, at the Hammond Museum in North Salem, NY. Individual and Corporate Sponsorships are available. You can learn more about our two honorees and how to purchase tickets below.

This work does not happen without you. Please consider supporting The Campaign via
our benefit link or making a donation today.

Thanks for all you do,

Andy Pelosi, Executive Director/Co-Founder

Fifteen Years and Forward – The Campaign’s Annual Benefit

Fifteen Years And Forward
The Campaign To Keep Guns Off Campus
Annual Benefit
Friday, October 6, 2023
The Hammond Museum & Japanese Stroll Garden – North Salem, NY
6:30-9pm, Program: 7:15pm

Tickets and Sponsorships Available Here

2023 Honoree
Len Neihoff – U. Michigan Law School

Attorney and Law Professor at the University of Michigan Law School. Professor Niehoff  serves as the lead attorney that successfully defended the University of Michigan in the case (Wade v. Univ. of Michigan). In Wade, the Court of Appeals ruled that the University’s prohibition on firearms did not violate the 2nd Amendment, keeping guns off of one of the largest college campus communities in the US.

2023 Honoree
Dr Stephen K. Boss – U. Arkansas

Professor of Environmental Dynamics & Sustainability in the Department of Geosciences at the University of Arkansas. Dr. Boss has devoted 15 years to gun violence prevention as a scholar, researcher and activist, most notably in opposing efforts to force guns on campus in his home state. His book, Guns and College Homicide, has helped bring much needed national attention to the issue at our mission’s core.

We Are Grateful to Our Host Committee
(In Formation)

Ray Abruzzo
Rebecca Ascher
Gabriel Yomi Dabiri
Mike Doyle
Frances Reid & Gary Bixhorn
Doris & Jon Freedman
Gettinger Waldinger & Monteleone, LLP
Hudson Valley Brewery
Marvin Lim
Miner Family Winery
Seta Nazarian
Dina Siciliano & Dan O’Donnell
Mark Peterson
John & Sharon Phelan
Amy Ryan
Marlene Sallo
Shirley Drew Triplett

Is Your Prospective School an Armed Campus? Find Out Here:

Students and Parents – as you explore your choices for higher education, be informed as to how a state’s ‘guns on campus’ laws may affect your prospective schools.

Check out – The Campaign’s online 50 state research tool detailing where, and to what degree, firearms are permitted on each state’s college and university campuses. Your safety and your education may depend on it.

Senseless Campus Shooting at UNC – Chapel Hill

The Campaign mourns UNC-Chapel Hill Faculty Member Zijie Yan killed in campus shooting on August 28. The Campaign extends its heartfelt sympathy to the family of Professor Yan and to the students, faculty, and staff at UNC – Chapel Hill. We are grateful for the swift law enforcement response that resulted in apprehending the shooter.

Click here for our full statement.

Change The Ref’s Guacathon Tour 2023 Comes to Newtown

The Campaign’s good friends Manny & Patricia Oliver along with activist Samuel Schwartz brought Change The Ref‘s summer Guacathon! bus tour to Newtown, CT for an an event promoting passage of the long overdue Assault Weapons Ban.

The Campaign’s Dan Rigney was in attendance. Other organizations there included Newtown Action Alliance, Junior Newtown Action Alliance, CT Against Gun Violence, and Teachers Unify To End Gun Violence.

Manny and Patricia lost their son Joaquin “Guac” Oliver at the school shooting in Parkland, FL. Samuel Schwartz’ cousin Alex Schachter was killed in the same incident. These activists’ actions honor the memories of the fallen.




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The Campaign to Keep Guns Off Campus • PO Box 658 • Croton Falls, NY 10519

EIN: 46-5621817 — CFC#: 83173