From the Executive Director

Hello and welcome to our September Newsletter:

The Summer of 2022 seemed to fly by and now we are gearing up for a busy Fall. For back to school, we are raising awareness around the dangers of arming teachers in our K-12 public schools and providing information about which colleges and universities are forced to allow guns on campus. Add to that, of course, we are full speed ahead for our Annual Benefit in October. Read more about our advocacy work below and check out our sister site, to learn about the differences state to state in campus gun laws as your kids begin looking at college for next year.

On the Federal side, we continue to work with our colleagues to push the U.S. Senate to pass the Federal Ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, along with Ethan’s Law –requiring safe gun storage. Both of these measures have already passed the House and you can take action below to urge Senators to pass these bills now.

In Georgia, our community outreach efforts are in full-swing, as we continue to spread the word about the necessity of locking up guns in the home and voter registration. Read more below.

Our Annual Benefit is just six weeks away! We have a great event planned October 21st at Manhattanville College in Purchase, NY and hope to see as many folks from the tri-state area there. Invitations are now in the mail and you can also purchase sponsorship and tickets online – see more info below.

In the workplace giving front, we are pleased to announce that The Campaign is a national partner of the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) and in New York State, The Campaign is a statewide partner of the State Employees Federated Appeal (SEFA).  If you are federal worker or NYS employee, please consider designating The Campaign this year.(more info below).

September is Suicide Prevention Month – please see our resource information below.

Finally, thank you for taking actions when we ask and for supporting The Campaign with your gifts. Your generous donations throughout the year make a huge difference and allow this work to continue, touching even more lives. Please consider going the next mile by making a donation to The Campaign today.

Thanks for all you do!

Andy Pelosi, Executive Director/Co-Founder

Federal Update:

S Senators – Pass The Assault Weapons Ban and Ethan’s Law

The House of Representatives has passed legislation to Ban Assault Weapons and High-Capacity Magazines, and encourage Safe Gun Storage (aka Ethan’s Law)

Both bills are now being considered in the US Senate. We have made it easy for you to voice your support for both bills by taking a single action below. Please do this today.

Click here to urge your Senators now to support both bills.

Georgia Update – Don’t Forget to
Register to Vote!

Our program director, Kathryn Grant, was busy in August meeting with community members in Southern Georgia to discuss safe gun storage, while also providing free gun locks. As we swing into September, The Campaign is once again partnering with National Voter Registration Day to register students and others in Georgia.  Click this link if you have not registered to vote:

The Campaign Is Now an Approved Charity for CFC and NY SEFA

For the first time, The Campaign to Keep Guns Off Campus is proud to be an approved charity for two of the largest workplace giving campaigns in the US – the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) for all US Federal Government employees, and the New York State Employees Federated Appeal (SEFA).

Every year, US and New York State Government Employees have an opportunity to designate pre-tax payroll deductions to help support the charities of their choice. These small gifts add up and go a long way to support our mission of keeping K-12 schools, colleges and universities safe and gun-free. If you are an employee of either entity, click over to the appropriate link to learn how you can support The Campaign to Keep Guns Off Campus.

The Combined Federal Campaign is open through January 15, 2023. The Campaign is registered as CFC #83173

New York State Employees Federated Appeal is open through December 31, 2022. The Campaign is registered as SEFA #999-02561

September is Suicide Prevention Month

As of July 22, anyone can access the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline by dialing 988.  Please share this important information with others.

Looking for Colleges for Next Year?  Make Sure Guns are Not Allowed on Your Loved One’s Prospective Campus. 

Check out The Campaign’s comprehensive website that provides campus gun law information for all public colleges and universities across the country –

The Campaign Brings Our Message Back To School

As kids across the US go back to school, The Campaign has been sending a call against the wrongheaded notion that arming teachers and placing firearms on school grounds is a solution to gun violence. We thank our partners Brady: United Against Gun Violence and Teachers Unify To End Gun Violence for helping to spread this message. We are especially grateful to our creative team of Charlie Allenson and Ared Spendjian for their terrific designs.

Oct. 21 Annual Benefit – Tickets!! Get Your Tickets!!

Click the image below to reserve your tickets to our in-person Annual Benefit. Come honor these leading voices in the fight to keep firearms out of our educational institutions, and hear our plans for what is to come.